Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Words of Gold: Stay at home-wife and mommy

Wife and Home, First Editions Mothers and Babies Housewives Magazine, UK, 1929
?"Wife and Home, First Editions Mothers and Babies Housewives Magazine, UK, 1929"

Wouldn't it be something if they still published magazines like this for women? Nowadays all you get is Cosmos plastered with photoshoped models and sex columns.
It is a sad culture we live in today. Mothering is looked on as undesirable or boring. Being a house wife is?perceived as a failure or drudgery.
As a new mom, it deeply saddens me that many women feel this way. Media and culture push them to believe that staying at home should be avoided at all costs. Don't let motherhood get in your way!

As a Christian, I believe that mothering and being at home is a sacred calling. I believe that God intended for mothers to find great joy in raising, training and loving their children. And an even greater joy in loving and serving their husbands. I find that being a house wife is a very?fulfilling?role, not because I get?recognition?from my family, but because the Lord sees my work and delights in it. I do it all unto Him.
When I change my attitude and focus on Jesus, my work becomes a joy.

I am not saying that all women are to be stay at home moms, but I believe all women and called to have a heart for home and to support their families by caring for the home. Obviously this will look different from family to family. We are all so unique and different and God uses us in many ways.?

So, if you are a stay at home wife and mom, be encouraged- God delights in you, today!

"You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, and training them up in God's fear, and minding the house, and making your household a church for God, ?as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of Hosts." ?- Charles Spurgeon

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Source: http://jodimitchell.blogspot.com/2012/08/stay-at-home-wife-and-mommy.html

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